FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air) -NOT ready yet

 What is FOTA?

FOTA is a mobile software management technology that enables the updating of a mobile device’s operating system.
The download process for FOTA-capable phones is typically less than 10 minutes.
(Not anymore)

FOTA simplifies the process of updating mobile device firmware by allowing manufacturers to provide it through a single, secure and fast method. This eliminates the need for manual downloads and simplifies the process of keeping devices up to date.

Bugfix allows manufacturers to repair faulty units and remotely update software updates. This method typically involves the consumer downloading and updating mobile device firmware through a manufacturer’s website or server. FOTA updates are generally accessible through the device menu or software or firmware update

Device management protocols

LwM2M (OMA Lightweight M2M),
built by the Open Mobile Alliance, is a light, fast and structured protocol, ideal for low-capacity device.

OMA-DM (OMA Device Management),
built by Open Mobile Alliance, but more oriented to mobile applications. Ideal for things in movement (changing IP address for instance). More complex and structured tan LwM2M.

TR-069,(CPE WAN Management Protocol, remote device deployment)
created by the Broadband Form and used in hundreds of thousand of devices all over the world, being a protocol widely used by telecommunication operators to provision their routers, etc.

MQTT, (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)
MQTT is an OASIS standard. The standard protocol with the most impact in IoT is MQTT. since is light, robust and overhead-less. It works with in a subscription-publish model, very similar in concept as a lot of chat tools. This protocol is oriented to communication, but it lacks of a native IoT Device Management feature.

Firmware and Software Upgrade Process

  • To Determine Firmware Versions
    Automatic update check
    Manual update check
  • To Obtain Newer Firmware Versions
    Unicast transport protocols : HTTP / HTTPS (TR-069 mandatory), FTP, SFTP and TFTP
    Multicast protocols : FLUTE and DSM-CC 
  • To Upgrade the Firmware
    Conventional FOTA (without Secure Boot) ?
    Secure Boot Mechanism for Secure FOTA ?
  • To Validating the upgrades

TR-069 Software Update

  • Setup the Software update test environment
    • Server (TR-69 ACS) / 
    • Client (CPE or CWMP Endpoints)
  • Requirements (Inform RPC method )
    • The CPE MAY at any time initiate a connection to the ACS via a CWMP Endpoint using the pre-determined ACS address.
    • The ACS MAY at any time request that a CWMP Endpoint initiate a connection to the ACS using the Connection Request mechanism. 
  • File Transfers
    • The CPE MAY send the HTTP/GET/PUT over the already established connection.
    • The CPE MUST use TLS when the file location is specified as an HTTPS URL.
  • The Response message
    • A Download response / A Transfer complete message (successful download)
    • A Transfer Complete message sent in a subsequent Session (apply the downloaded file)

Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)

The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) is a standards organization which develops open, international technical standards for the mobile phone industry. It’s a nonprofit Non-governmental organization(NGO), a forum for industry stakeholders to agree on common specifications for products and services.
Formation :  June 2002 (19 years ago.) Merger of IPSO Alliance : March 2018 (3 years ago)
  • Standard specifications:
    • OMA SyncML Common Specifications V1.1.2
    • OMA Device Management (OMA DM) specification for mobile device management using  SyncML V1.1.2 The OMA DM (based on SyncML DM) specifications define the protocols and mechanisms for how configuration parameters can be delivered to an OMA client from a SyncML DM server that is part of the overall architecture 
    • Device Management Conformance Requirements, Version 1.1.2. file name: OMA-SyncML-DMConReqs-V1_1_2-20030613-A.pdf

Reference : 
A Firmware Update Architecture for Internet of Things
Applicable Protocol for Updating Firmware of Automotive HVAC Electronic Control Units (ECUs) Over the Air
Research of the systems for Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) and Wireless Diagnostic in the new vehicles
Secure FOTA Object for IoT
Research Firmware Update Over the Air from the Cloud
OMA Specifications (Open Mobile Alliance)
MT7697 API Reference

